About the name Treasured Clay

2 Corinthians 4:7

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not us.

Jars of clay were cheap, breakable, insignificant, and replaceable but served well for necessary household functions. Paul (the author of this verse) viewed himself like a jar of clay, an earthly vessel that was frail, lowly, common, decaying, and replaceable. Seemingly our decaying bodies are of little worth to the great omnipotent eternal creator. Yet God has taken those apparently useless, insignificant human forms and poured into them a revelation of the glorious gospel of His only son.

Now what is the gospel? The gospel consists of good and bad news. The bad news is that we've broken God's law (the Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20:3-17). God in this law has commanded us not to lie, steal, or use God's name in vain. Now we've all broken those laws. When we break those laws we are sinning and God says that the penalty for any sin is death and with death comes the wrath of God and eternity in hell. We cannot save ourselves from death so then what's the good news? God has made a way for you to escape His wrath. God sent His son Jesus Christ down into the Earth. Jesus being one person with two natures (truly God and truly man) came and He lived a perfect and sinless life. Jesus then willingly lays down His life on the cross. Jesus being the perfect person offered His perfect life as a perfect sacrifice to satisfy the perfect wrath of God. Jesus died on the cross and three days later raised from the dead proving Himself to be God in the flesh. The only way to be saved and have the wrath of God removed is to have the righteousness of someone else as we have no righteousness on our own (Romans 3:10).

How do we obtain the righteousness of Christ? Not of works or any seemingly "good" things we do, they profit us nothing (Isaiah 64:6). The righteousness of Christ is given to us when we repent and turn away from our sin and place our trust in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for us. God has poured into our hearts the rich treasure of the good news of Christ, who alone can save a sinner from the penalty of sin, death, and hell. God places this treasure of His gospel in our weak, physical bodies so that He might live in us and work through us.

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